Sunday 29 December 2013

Tips Rawatan Penyakit Jantung, Asid Urik Dan Sistem Perkumuhan

Assalamualaikum rakan-rakan semua. Cuba ikuti  tips berikut untuk hidup sihat.Kalau kita rajin amalkan dalam hidup kita, InsyaAllah dapat mengelak dari penyakit kronik seperti penyakit jantung, kanser usus,gout, batu karang dan penyakit melibatkan sistem perkumuhan.

Kosnya rendah sahaja dan mudah untuk disediakan...selamat mencuba dan beramal...

1) The warm lemon water helps purify and stimulate the liver. Lemon/lime water liquefies bile while inhibiting excess bile flow.

2) Warm lemon/lime water aids digestion. It’s atomic composition is similar to saliva and the hydrochloric acid of digestive juices.

3) The liver produces more enzymes from lemon/lime water than any other food, according to A.F. Beddoe, author of Biological Ionization as Applied to Human Nutrition.

4) The lemon/lime water helps bowels eliminate naturally and easily.

5) Lemons and limes are high in potassium. Potassium is an important mineral that works with sodium for smooth electrical transmission in the brain and nervous system. Depression, anxiety, fogginess, and forgetfulness can often be traced to low potassium blood levels. That same nervous system needs potassium to assure steady signals to the heart. So your heart health is improved from the lemon water’s potassium.

6) Calcium and magnesium are plentiful in good ratio to each other in lemon/lime water. Magnesium is important for heart health and calcium prevents rickets.

7) Lemon/lime water can help lower blood pressure.

8) Lemon/lime water has an alkalizing effect in the body as it is buffered. Even if you drink it just before any meal, it will help your body maintain a higher pH than if you didn’t drink it. The higher or more alkaline your pH, the more your inner terrain is resistant to minor and major disease.

9) Helps dilute uric acid, which if it accumulates it creates arthritic pain or gout.

10) Helps reduce phlegm in the body.

How and When

Warm purified fluoride free water or spring water should be used. At least a half of a lemon or lime should be thoroughly squeezed into a half glass of the warm water without any sweetener. 

It’s better to use a lemon/lime squeezer to get maximum juice with minimum seeds and effort. This should be done first thing in the morning on an empty stomach, and don’t start eating breakfast right away. Some recommend an hour before eating for maximum results.

One technique to assure proper timing would be to heat up water and put it into a thermos before going to bed. 

Then mix that hot water with room temperature purified lemon or lime water upon arising. 

Drink it down quickly, then go about your other morning routines before eating breakfast.

Terima Kasih Sudi Komen dan Singgah blog Aina's Closet

1 comment:

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